TRAUMA in the body

Kundalini Yoga Kriyas (a set of movements) have the ability to impact both the body-based and psychological underpinnings of trauma. This deconstruct can lead to many physical and emotional issues through life. 

The Teaching
The goal is to empower individuals to release the imprints of trauma, start the healing process and develop tools that can carry individuals when triggers may present themselves. To release fears that bind us into mental confusion and belittling behaviours. To learn that self-worth comes from your internal talk and learn to take your power back. 

This series is geared to all who have experienced trauma and dealing with symptoms such as :

• Shock, denial, or disbelief
• Confusion, difficulty concentrating
• Anger, irritability, mood swings
• Anxiety and fear
• Guilt, shame, self-blame
• Withdrawing from others
• Feeling sad or hopeless
• Feeling disconnected or numb 

8 Week overview

Clearing The Clutter

Week 1

Releasing and making space for the new

Balance Yourself

Week 2

Allow relaxation and body awareness


Week 3

Our digestion reflects to us how we feel about our surroundings

Love from the Heart space

Week 4

Acting from the heart centre ables us to grow from "me to we", including self-love

Balancing Sexual Energy

Week 5

Working to clear the 2nd Chakra

Let it Go

Week 6

Create space in the body by releasing fear

Build Up a Resistance

Week 7

Build up the immune system

The Intuitive Self

Week 8

Active your internal wisdom and healing energies

Kundalini Yoga is a complementary therapy intended to be used alongside standard medical treatments — not in place of them. Please consult with your medical caregiver prior to starting any yoga sessions.

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