
The word “Reiki” is a combination of two Japanese words: “rei,” which means “God’s wisdom,” or “the higher power,” and “ki,” which means “life force energy.” Reiki is an energy healing technique that involves using gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy (what’s known in Reiki as “life force energy”) through the body to reduce stress and promote healing. Reiki is a form of complementary medicine; there’s evidence it can reduce daily stress and help with management of some chronic diseases.

Distant Reiki Healing
Just lie down and be still if possible. We can agree on a time beforehand, usually treatments are about 30 minutes or so. The effects of distant healing are just as effective as hands-on healing. Distant healings are ideal in the times of Covid19 and for those who:

don’t live in a reasonable distance
don’t particularly like being touched or feel very shy
• don't have mobility

You don't have to be in crisis to enjoy the benefits of Reiki, it can help keep the energy channels open, decreasing the likelihood of illness due to blocked energy/Chakras. You can also order distant healing for your loved ones. Try a remote Reiki Session for yourself and experience the benefits. Don’t be surprised if it becomes your preferred method of healing!

Reiki is a complementary therapy intended to be used alongside standard medical treatments — not in place of them.