
The simple premise, that if you feel better and learn to sustain your positive energy, than all things are a better experience.

Where there is love, there can be no fear!

That's where the healing begins. This is a hub of all things healing. Providing different services and products that encourage and support health.

Maria Elena Pino

The road to healing is different for each and everyone one of us. What my hope is, that Pino Creative will serve as a digital hub, to all things healing. To share the life changing tools that have sincerely helped me in my own process.

My road began in the early 2000's after the birth of my son. As a mother you start looking at life a little different and want to know more and do better, not only for your child but for yourself. As a single mom, entrepreneur, running my graphic design business and performing as a percussionist; exhaustion was a regular feeling which sometimes felt like depression. Couldn't see anything positive, just the demands. I had a daycare worker say to me, "You know, a happy mom, makes a happy child." That has always stuck in my mind when I had to make major decisions that would affect everything in my life.

Along the way, I learned about different practices and modalities to promote health, such as homeopathy, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, cranial sacral, Rolfing, birthing doulas, ( wish I knew one before I went into labour... story for another day ) etc. As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher comes. I finally made it to the passing lane, to make a change. Improving my self-worth, upgrading mental patterns that caused me to self-sabotage, sound familiar. ..Self love is the key, sounds cliche but true. It sounds too simple to be true.

Making time for yourself, to have a routine, just for yourself, to recognize that you can change things, if you change your perspective. How do you do that? By removing the old patterns in the mind-chatter and the body.  This is where these tools come in and change the playing field.

Tarot card readings are awesome. It has helped me to develop my intuition and to look at life more like your story and although certain aspects of life may be pre-determined, you have free will and can always change outcomes. 

, what can I say they are beautiful to hold, to look at and to wear. I truly experience mood changes when wearing crystals. It helps to keep your focus when you put one on. You can even attach a mantra and make wearing crystals a small ritual for yourself.

led me to the understanding on how simple, powerful and over-looked the human energetic system/field is and when it works well it creates the right environment for the body to heal at its own pace and that you can create your own energy when you need that extra boost.

I hope that you will take the time to experience for yourself the wonders you can achieve! 

Sat Nam!
